Having access to a gym and exercising regularly can have huge benefits for your body and mind. It helps improve cardiovascular fitness, contributes to weight loss and even helps with brain health and memory.


Despite these benefits we understand that accessing a gym can be daunting for a lot of people. You might be scared about being judged, worried that you aren’t fit enough or don’t know how to use the equipment. The cost can also be a barrier, particularly the expense of using a Personal Trainer. We are here to show you that it’s not that scary, nobody is judging you and exercise can be fun and affordable. 


We offer affordable (sometimes FREE) one-to-one and small group fitness programmes for young people, delivered by passionate and friendly gym instructors and personal trainers. No matter what your fitness goals, we are here to offer professional advice, guidance and support around training and nutrition. Exercising regularly and eating well is important but it also needs to be enjoyable and more importantly sustainable! 

‘We can pay now to prevent or we can pay later to treat’

‘Your health is an investment, not an expense’